Discover your support.


Create a grounded relationship with your business. Grow your body of work softly and with clarity. Lead with agency and gentleness.

I want to help you grow a business that is sustainable and full of care on every level: for your mental health, for your body and for your bank account.

The way business is taught can be so incredibly overwhelming for those with gentle natures. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you rather it means you are present in an industry that was not shaped with you in mind.

What often happens with all that overwhelm is that you may:

  • interact with your business in a constant state of unsafety

  • lead from a hypervigilant or shutdown nervous system

  • be swept up in force and hustle

  • feel the demand to mask or perform your way through it

  • bypass your capacity and play on the edges of burnout

  • get caught in cycles of shame

When these things are present, it lets us know that your relationship with your work, how you interact with it, the business model you’re using and the strategies you are executing do not feel safe and expansive to you and your body. In fact, they hold probably the opposite sensations.

They are overwhelming and not in tender care of who you are.

And so the work then is not about fixing you to fit you into the β€˜right’ way to do things, but rather unearthing what you need so that you can be met with the care you deserve.

My work with clients is highly customized because likely what you don’t need is another program or more curriculum, but rather, a space where you and your business can be truly attuned to.

Some things we may explore:

  • Discovering what your integral pieces of safety are, so that you can show up with ease, not overwhelm.

  • Supporting your nervous system to heal, ground and be held as you do things that naturally stretch your capacity.

  • Slowing down to tap into the wisdom of your body.

  • Crafting business and sales strategies that are rooted in your agency and care.

  • Expanding your capacity to be seen, receive and ask for what you need.

Slowly and gently, we will lead you towards a business that does not require you to sacrifice your well-being, but rather, asks you to prioritize it instead.

What if you could lead your business from the space of safety?

What if you could cultivate a business that is compassionately yours?

What if you could meet yourself with care instead of shame or hustle?

I work beautifully with:


You’ve likely been described as someone who has big feelings, maybe words like β€˜emotional’ and β€˜sensitive’ and even β€˜dramatic’ have been thrown around most of your life. You are artistic in the ways that you see the world and you know that life is made to not just be lived or experienced, but it is meant to be felt.


In some capacity, you regularly hold space for others. Maybe you’re a coach, therapist, healer, bodyworker, or spiritual director. Maybe you take a space-holding approach to other forms of work like web design or copywriting. Maybe you just naturally lean towards deep listening and held space in your personal world.


Maybe you’re autistic, neurodivergent or highly sensitive. Maybe you’ve experienced trauma in your story and that has left you easily overwhelmed. Whatever it may be, you know that your nervous system has a lower capacity and because of that, attuned, tender care is so very important.

My coaching is a blend of safety, body wisdom and strategy.

And so often, in that very order. First, we establish a baseline of felt safety. Second, we attune to your nervous system and work with the wisdom of your body. Three, we create strategy that honours you, not overwhelms you. And we repeat.

My work is very much influenced and draws upon nervous system healing, self-compassion, parts work, thoughtful collaboration and simple and clear-cut strategies.

I want your business to feel like something you can be held within and where you can sigh gently and know β€˜all is well here.’

I work 1:1 in two different tiered offers.

The Gentle Business Partnership

A 6-month coaching and strategic partnership to create a gentle business from the inside out. This is collaborative and customized.

The Softer Sanctuary

A 6-month coaching container where we work within the body and emotions to support your business to bloom.

Let’s break it down to
discover your custom fit.

It is likely your curiosity or desire for support that led you here. How powerful it is for us to simply notice that and notice what we may need.

There are four tiers of support as shared above, but here I give an outline on what each one includes, so you can decide what might be the best option for you.

If you can’t decide what’s right for you, we can also talk about it! Simply let me know in your form.

The Gentle Business Immersion

six months

βœ”οΈ Two sixty-minute calls per month for coaching and business strategy.

βœ”οΈ Monday to Friday daily Voxer support.

βœ”οΈ Customized client portal and task management system.

βœ”οΈ Intentional practices and action steps in between calls.

βœ”οΈ Quarterly focuses based on the desired outcomes of our work.

βœ”οΈ Feedback on any materials such as sales pages, copy, social media posts, etc.

βœ”οΈ Monthly guided practice audio made just-for-you.

βœ”οΈ Customized client portal and task management system.

The Softer

six months

βœ”οΈ Two sixty-minute calls per month for coaching and somatic support.

βœ”οΈ Monday to Friday daily Voxer support.

βœ”οΈ Customized client portal.

βœ”οΈ Intentional practices to play with in between calls to support the work done on the calls.

In my work with clients, I’ve seen clients go on to:

  • heal patterns of self-protection like procrastination and overworking

  • cultivate a relationship with their business that feels gentle and kind

  • feel safe in their business for the first time ever!

  • befriend their nervous system in their business

  • create and implement sales strategies that grow their revenue

  • set boundaries that allow for a more expanded sense of ease

  • cultivate a relationship with their business that feels gentle

  • grow their capacity for being seen and develop deeper visibility

  • unearth a way forward in marketing that makes sense for them

  • heal difficult experiences in business

How it works from here.

  • Let's jump on a free support call to chat through what would help you most. I cannot wait to get to know you and your story.

  • Once you decide it's something you want to sign up for, I'll set you up on my end with any intake, contracts, or invoicing to get this started. I got you from here.

  • Our beautiful work begins. Whether we are working together for an hour or several months, I cannot wait to witness you in this space.

  • When our time comes to a close, I will invite you to continue our work together or lovingly close our time together. But no matter what, I will be rooting for you.

Hi, gentle heart. I am Ashley + I am so glad to see you.

As a certified coach, I focus first and foremost on centering and attuning to you over anything else. And as a fellow entrepreneur with a tender nervous system who made the shift into a gentle business, I know and can hold the deepest of space for your journey too.

I’m passionate about creating a space where you can feel seen and held as you learn and grow. There is so much quiet power in shifting from the harshness and hurry of self-protection, one-fits-all business strategies and the self-bypassing that is all too common in online business.

Instead, when you can deeply connect with your own sense of safety, your body and your agency, you can discover your most satisfying, powerful work. And it’ll feel like the utmost care too.

Read some words from past clients:

Imagine thinking about your business and
it feeling like a deep exhale, a warm embrace
or your most embodied expression.