Coaching and guidance for the gentle-spirited entrepreneur.

I support you in growing your business
using emotional safety, somatic wisdom
and thoughtful strategy.

Hi, gentle heart. I am Ashley + I am so glad to see you.

As a certified coach, I focus first and foremost on centering you over sharing more information and advice. And as a fellow entrepreneur, I know the brave journey of moving from fast-paced hustle to gentle and intentional working and I would be honoured to hold space for you.

I’m passionate about creating healing spaces where you can feel seen and held as you learn and grow. There is so much quiet power in shifting from the harshness and hurry of self-sabotage, one-fits-all business strategies and the self-bypassing that is all too common in online business.

Instead, when you learn to deeply connect with, trust and lead yourself, you can honour the growth that would actually feel good to you by crafting a business model that feels right to you.

Areas of Focus:


how to cultivate a business that feels safe, kind and sustainable so you can see results without sacrificing your well-being.

the nervous

how to tend to your nervous system and create business strategies that support you, not overwhelm you.

softer way
of sales

how to sell in a way that actually feels really good to you so that you can grow and enjoy it too

I have never been held in my wholeness quite like Ashley has the deep gifting of doing.


What I love about working with Ashley is her steady, grounded presence. Since working with Ashley I've been able to create safety in my business which has created so much ease in my life. The way she lets me figuring things out on my own juuuustttt enough is perfect. If you're looking to get rooted in your biz in a way that feels unique and simple to you, then Ashley's your gal.

Choose Your Support

There are a myriad ways I work with folks, from a one-off session all the way to six to twelve months. All my work is deeply rooted in safety, somatics and strategy.

Lots of space for payment plans.

1:1 Support

Coming Home: a group program.

This is a nine-month intimate group program that is a pilgrimage of the heart into deep self-trust. It is a container of presence expanding our capacities to be seen, practicing embodied safety, moving with care towards our nervous system and developing a vibrant and expansive trust in ourselves.

The second cohort begins this September.

Your experience includes: monthly virtual retreats, Monday to Friday Voxer Access, invite to an in-person retreat, welcome package in the mail.

Investment: $2250 (with 9-18 month payment plans)



Combining the Gentle Business Course, group coaching, and genuine community, the membership is a deeply supportive, engaged container that nurtures you as a human and as a business owner.

Members are welcomed with:

  • The Gentle Business Course, with recorded modules that walk you through each section of the gentle business framework

  • A live, monthly Workshop on requested topics (past sessions have included pitching, the inner child and business, lead generation, your supportive working style, and more)

  • A live, monthly Community Call, where you can receive support and coaching, share something you’ve been processing, or ask for and be met with care

Investment: $99/month.


Working with Ashley taught me the true meaning of 'presence.' 


She brings so much expertise and insight at the same time that she is always attuned to what I need in any given session. She guides me through vulnerable questions with lots of grace (and zero shame), helping me build more self-trust and confidence in a path for my business that I get to consciously choose. 

Ashley is the one to work with if you're done overriding yourself to follow one size fits all business advice. When we started working together I kind of felt like I was at the bottom of a hill, really wanting to make it up and over to the other side but not quite convinced it was possible. Her coaching has been such a supportive container where I could take consistent steps and see myself building momentum along the way. 

you deserve care

you deserve care

and take a listen to the podcast.

The Gentle Business Sessions powered by Marvelous and Willowspace.

A podcast that explores a softer way forward in entrepreneurship that prioritizes your safety and care along with your brilliance and success. We will explore things like body connection, emotional safety, and intentional business strategy. May it be a refuge from the often harsh and overwhelming culture of online entrepreneurship and be a deep exhale instead. Come listen in.

What’s Your
Self-Sabotage Type?

Often our self-sabotage shows up in patterns and through this quiz, you can discover how yours shows up most in your business! Take this six-minute quiz and get a 40-page guide that goes over all eight types along with healing and business strategies for each.

Ashley has been a steady healing patient presence.


In a world of glorified hustle and hurry, Ashley is a much needed fresh of breath air, a warm hug, and cozy blanket welcoming you to find your way home to yourself so that you can build a business that actually reflects who you are instead of burning you out because you're following other people's formulas. Ashley has been a steady healing patient presence, inviting me to take small sustainable steps and imagine a new way forward. Instead of meeting my procrastination and overthinking with harsh self-critical motivation to try harder, I am growing in meeting myself with compassion and support. I am excited about building my business from a more aligned, grounded place.