Soften into Sales

May 27th to 29th 2024

A three-day live workshop to support you in creating a summer sales strategy that is lovingly attuned to you and your nervous system.


One, a lot of the sales strategies that are taught do not work well for those of us with
sensitive nervous systems (which is a lot of us). Because of how much they require boundless
capacity, overstimulation, intense pockets of time outside of the ‘comfort zone’ without any thought
for aftercare and much more.

Two, when we do not have a sales plan, that leaves a lack of structure,
which can leave things feeling unpredictable and unsafe which again
is not supportive for most of us.

We need something different.

We need a sales strategy that is attuned to us and
our nervous systems, so that we can actually
move within it and see results.

Over the span of three days,
we are going to do exactly that.

We will map out the relationship between our nervous system and sales so that we can get an accurate picture of what is happening within our brain and body to respond with support.

We will ground into the focuses of safety, agency and desire to discover the grounding framework for our individualized sales strategy.

We will write / paint / form our sales strategies in real time to make them workable and supportive blending both the practical and the internal.

When you have don’t have an attuned sales strategy in care of your nervous system, you might:

  • Never sell.

  • Sell really hard and amazing, but actually burn out.

  • Freeze in fear.

  • Imitate other’s forms of selling and feel lost within it.

  • Collapse just thinking about selling. Collapse after selling. Just collapse.

  • Get angry that people aren’t buying from you.

  • Delay and avoid and push it off.

  • Feel phrases like, “I can’t do it” or “this will never work.”


  • know exactly how you are going to sell your offers and find even a sense of ease within it.

  • are free from all the shoulds and are connected to an empowered sense of agency and choice.

  • feel clear on how to support yourself even in the discomfort that might come and can meet yourself beautifully.

You actually get to have a sales strategy that is in loving response to you, so that all this marketing can feel less and less like force, and more and more like care.

In here we will look at:

✨ intro to the nervous system for our work together

✨ noticing your window of capacity / tolerance

✨ mapping your nervous system states within sales

✨ determining what keeps you or helps you return into connection and safety

RESOURCE: Nervous System and Sales Mapping Tool

Over the span of three days, we are going to meet for three video sessions (75-min) via Zoom in the format of teaching, practice, and space for questions.

There will be not only time to learn, but time to do it together, too.

Here’s Exactly How
The Three Days Play Out

May 27th at 1:00pm EST: Mapping Your Nervous System and Sales

May 28th at 1:00pmEST: Forming the Groundwork of the Sales Strategy Through Safety, Agency and Desire

In here we will look at:

✨ the three data-driven decisions you need to make for felt-sense of safety

✨ discovering your definition of safety, agency and desire in sales

✨ exploring nervous system tending tools for resourcing

RESOURCE: Safety, Agency and Desire Reflection

Walking away after day three, you will have a clear, approachable and gentle sales plan for the next three months - one that is attuned to your business and your nervous system.

No more unpredictability. No more squeezing yourself into strategies not meant for you. No more bypassing your actual capacity. But instead, real support that meets you right where you are.

May 29th at 1:00pmEST: Putting Motion into the Sales Strategy to Make It Workable and Supportive

In here we will:

✨ choose from five easy-on-the-nervous-system sales strategies

create a plan for slow implementation (for maximum impact and peace)

✨ build the layerered support, space and care you need

RESOURCE: Sales Strategy Planner and the Gentle Sales Strategy Bank

Here’s What’s Included:

3 Days of Live
Video Sessions

Three days of 75-minute video sessions live on Zoom with teaching, practice and space for questions.


A supportive workbook with exercises where you can put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and create your plan.

One Year
of Access

Need more time with it? Want to reuse it over and over? You got it! Just copy and download before the year is up.

Two Playful Options For You

First off, I know how powerful it can be to invest in receiving support and also how tender it can be. Honour yourself here. What do you need? What are you being invited into? What could be possible for you?

Two, I am offering two tiers of support here for you depending on where you’re at and what you need.

Tier One: The Three Day Pass

Tier Two: The Three Day Pass and Follow-Up Support

3-Day Pass


✔️ Three days of live video sessions: 60-75 minutes of teaching, practice and question and answer.

✔️ Supporting workbook as you create your customized strategy.

✔️ One year of access.

NEED A BIT OF A PAYMENT PLAN? You can pay in two monthly payments of $75 here.

3-Day Pass with Follow-Up Support.

✔️ Everything in the day pass: three days of live video sessions, workbook and resources, and one year of access.

✔️ A personalized video from me reviewing your strategy and offering any noticings or possible recommendations I see.

✔️ 3 Implementation Group Coaching Sessions - for coaching, support and co-regulating as you implement your sales strategy (June, July and August).


NEED A BIT OF A PAYMENT PLAN? You can pay in two monthly payments of $225 here.

If you already have an account with me, you’ll be prompted to create a new login for this website. I’m slowly moving all my products over here.

I need you to know this -

Here, I will not be offering you any sort of playbook of what to do to make a lot of money. There will be no complicated templates, no follow this exactly, no script.

What I will offer you is a structure to pay attention and really, really reflect on what an attuned sales strategy could be for you, and offer you the resource in order to put that together and walk that out gently this summer.

This is the most powerful thing I can do for you. The most powerful thing.

Hear from some of my past clients
about what it’s like to be supported by me:

Working with Ashley taught me the true meaning of 'presence.' She brings so much expertise and insight at the same time that she is always attuned to what I need in any given session. She guides me through sticky and vulnerable questions with lots of grace (and zero shame), helping me build more self-trust and confidence in a path for my business that I get to consciously choose.

Theresa Sullivan

In a world of glorified hustle and hurry, Ashley is a much needed fresh of breath air, a warm hug, and cozy blanket welcoming you to find your way home to yourself so that you can build a business that actually reflects who you are instead of burning you out because you're following other people's formulas. Ashley has been a steady healing patient presence, inviting me to take small sustainable steps and imagine a new way forward.

Justine Hwang

Through working with Ashley, I got my first client within a couple of weeks of working with her. By the end, I had five more high-ticket clients using Ashley's methods. And I did it all in ways that felt good and safe to my nervous system. If you have any doubt that you can have business success without pushing yourself all the time, I'm here to tell you Ashley has another way. You can have a business that feels good to you and that meets your needs.

Laura Connell

What would it feel like to have a sales strategy
mapped out that you could actually soften into?


  • No, you don’t! You will be sent recordings and have access to them for a year.

  • I honour two truths. One, that meeting our financial needs is important for our safety and two, that sometimes we need to take a risk. Both those things can be true and I encourage you to orient towards which one is more important to you right now. On that note, I am offering three sliding scale spots. You can DM me here for more information.

  • Let me hear all of them! You can send me a DM on Instagram or email me at

A few more words from past clients:

What I liked best about working with Ashley is that I could hear my own voice more, my own insights, my own intuition. Within one session, I cleared out a bunch of internal gunk and began kicking ass on sales calls.


Being supported by Ashley is like being held in a cocoon while you are prompted to feel into your own brilliance and next steps. Her gentle, slow approach to business felt like the balm I needed to come alive. I knew I didn’t have to push or be something I wasn’t, which gave my whole self permission to slow down and listen in. Each session was like a gentle nudge to get out of the mind and into the body.

Rachel Germann

Since working with Ashley, I feel more free, and I'm already making business decisions from a place of self-belief, instead of looking to other people for the answers. Ashley is exactly as she seems in her content in real life. She is deeply skilled and present, and a shame-free zone.

Natalie Koussa

It’s time for a gentle sales strategy that is attuned to you and your beautiful nervous system.