Episode 9: Receiving Clients Meditation



Clients are on their way to me. I may not
see them or know their names yet,
but they are on their way to me.


Welcome to episode nine of the podcast where I gently guide you in a meditation for receiving clients.

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Welcome to you a receiving clients meditation. If you want to get comfortable, settle in anything you might need to feel fully supported in this moment. Feel free to do that now.

I encourage you to take a couple deep breaths just as an anchor for your body that you are here in this present moment. If it feels good, maybe you take the deepest breath you've taken all day. Just feeling your lungs expand and contract.

In this meditation, we're going to do a couple different little things for receiving clients. And the first thing we're going to do is visualization and so I want to invite you to Imagine the place where your business lives. If you have a metaphor for your business, you could imagine it that way. You could imagine a place that represents how you want to receive clients.

Whatever that, whatever physical space could be that could represent that. Imagining that now. Taking in all the details. Noticing your senses in that space, sight and hearing, smell, touch, taste, just fully immerse yourself in this space.

Imagine that you hear clients coming. What does it sound like when you hear clients coming? How do you know that they're about to arrive in this visualization? Do you hear the sound of laughter? A clicking of heels on the floor? A running? What do you hear?

Imagine that they're just outside the business. The space where you receive clients. And they're trying to come in, but they can't. What's in the way? Is there anything in the way? Notice what might come up for you in this visualization. Maybe something's blocking the door. Maybe they don't know where the door is. Maybe you need to open the door.

Notice what comes up in your visualization around any blocks. Make note of what you see.

Whatever that thing is, I want you to imagine you clearing it, so For example, if it's something in front of the door, moving, imagine yourself moving it, or imagine yourself swinging open the door. Um, maybe it's not a door situation, and so then it could be something else. Um, you know, let's say it was that the block that you saw was around a client being unable to find you in a park.

If your visualization was like a garden or something like that, then imagine yourself calling the client, imagine yourself handing them a map, etc. Just take a couple minutes to clear the block. Notice what happens for you as you do that.

Now I want you to imagine, that now that the way is clear to receive the client or clients. Imagine the sensations of receiving them. How are they received by you? How do you receive them?

Do you shake their hand? Do you smile at them? Do you give them a hug? Do you offer them a drink? How do you receive the client?

And for a couple moments, I just want to invite you to imagine the receiving of clients, just the sensation over and over and over, receiving clients, how that feels in your body, how that feels for your soul, how that feels for your mind.

Make note of anything. That feels really good in sensation, and make note of anything that might not, that might not feel as good, because that is important information to you.

But almost on a loop, just, just sort of sit in the sensation of receiving clients.

I encourage you to write down anything that may have come up for you, anything you may have noticed about what the block was, anything you may have noticed about sensations for you in receiving clients. Um, just anything that may have come up. We can hold those things with compassion.

For the second part of the meditation, I want to invite you to just simply ask yourself the question of, how can I receive clients today? How can I receive clients this week? How can I receive clients this year? Partnering with your intuition a little to see what comes up.

And out of these two exercises, make some type of statement or mantra that would feel really grounded and rooted to what you saw and believed.

What would it look like to soften here? What would it look like to trust here? What would it look like to rest here? What if you didn't have to try so hard? What if it could be easy?

And if it doesn't feel easy, that's okay too. We can note that.

And notice there's a part of me that's trying so hard to make this happen. And is disappointed that it's not happening in the way that I want it to.

We can acknowledge that.

To end, take a hand, place it somewhere that feels loving and comforting and soothing for you. And repeat that mantra.

Receiving clients feels really good to me. It's easy for me to receive clients. Clients are on their way to me.

I may not see them or know their names yet, but they are on their way to me.

Just breathing into that, that inhale and exhale, the expanding and contracting.

And as you're able, slowly make your way back to the world around you

and notice how you feel.




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