Episode 3: Guided Self-Trust Meditation



People will come and go, sales will come and go, ideas will come and go. But the one thing that will always be here. The one thing that will stay. Is you with you. So settle into trust here.


Welcome to episode three of the podcast where I gently guide you in a meditation around self-trust.

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Read the Transcript:

  Welcome to episode three of the Gentle Business Sessions. A podcast hosted by me and powered by Marvelous at Willowspace. It is so good to have you here.

Every month, I will be releasing either a guided meditation or a guided practice near the end of the month. These are created to help support you. And I would really encourage you to use them and whatever way would feel best for you.

Before we head into today's guided meditation. I want to let you know about something that is coming up. Later this month, I will be opening spots to my signature group program called Coming Home. Coming Home is a nine month pilgrimage of the heart to cultivate and develop deep self-trust.

It will be a space of leaning in to self-connection, community partnership and developing a really beautiful, expansive trust. In your body and intuition. And gifts and voice, and I am really looking forward to it. If that speaks to you at all, make sure to either sign up for the waitlist or sign up to receive an invite, which you can find both of those links in the show notes or in the link via my Instagram bio.

Now let's get to it.

As we started this meditation, I would love to invite you to find a space where you can take a few minutes to settle in. Allow yourself the gift of fully relaxing. Into this moment. Notice the space in which you are sitting. If you were sitting. If you were standing or laying down or walking, the invitation is the same. Notice the space. In which you were held.

Notice if there's something that could bring a little bit more support or comfort to you in this moment. Propping a pillow or standing taller or placing a hand on your heart.

Your comfort is sacred. Your comfort is sacred.

In today's guided meditation, we are going to explore what it could look like to trust ourselves.

Through a series of prompts and visualizations. I will lead you through this time.

So allow yourself to relax. And receive whatever might be here for you.

Off the top, I would love to invite you to imagine a version of you that walks in full trust. Where it's not a hard or a burden, but it's just easy. Just easy to trust yourself. As you imagine this version of you that walks in full, whole loving trust of yourself in your business. Notice what you see.

What do you look like? What is your body posture like? What are you wearing? What are you doing? What emotions are present? What are you thinking about? Anything that might come to mind. Take notice of it.

Notice anything that might strike you here.

I believe inside of us. In all of us. There is a part of us that fully trusts ourselves. This is the part we are paying attention to you.

As you imagine this version or a part of you that fully trust, imagine they, you, you had to sit down together and have brunch. You're seated at your table. The table is filled with all those delicious breakfast food. Maybe the smell of orange juice or cinnamon or coffee.

You're sitting on velvet seats. Across the table. And you make eye contact with this version of you that fully trusts you. What is it like to look them in the eyes?

Imagine yourself asking this version of you. What do you want me to know? What do you want me to know about me? What do you want me to know about my work? What do you want me to know about my future? See what might come up.

Imagine yourself asking this version of you that fully trusts you. What can you see that I cannot see? What do you see that I cannot see?

Again, noticing whatever might come.

Maybe also imagine asking this part of you that fully trusts you. Why is it easy to trust to me? Why is it so easy to trust me?

And listening, be curious about what might come.

So often we run the businesses. Where it can feel hard sometimes. To trust ourselves. Or maybe we are looking for what we don't know yet, what we might be missing. Or maybe the way that we've been marketed to really plays off of our distrust with ourselves.

Maybe we find resonance and one of those things.

What powerful work it is to fully trust ourselves here. To trust our bodies. To trust our voices. To trust our guests. To trust our intuition. To trust our brilliance.

We get to learn from this version or this part of us. We get to snuggle in - how do you deal it? What do you know? How has it so easy?

We get to allow this to expand within us. Become contagious within us. That it is safe. To trust ourselves. It is good. To trust ourselves.

As you continue on with your day. If you fully trusted you and your business, what is one thing you would do? Maybe make space for that today.

If it feels supportive for you, maybe you take a hand, place it on your heart or your knee or your face and allow yourself a moment to sink into trust.

Through this meditation, we have practiced self-connection. Can we now relax into trust?

People will come and go, sales will come and go. Uh, ideas will come and go. But the one thing that will always be here. The one thing that will stay. Is you with you.

So settle in.




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