Episode 6: Guided Practice for Stillness and Grounding in the Holiday Season



If I were to prioritize my peace,
what needs to stay and what needs
to go in these next several weeks?


Welcome to episode six of the podcast where I gently guide you in a practice of stillness and prompt you with three questions for grounding and peace in the weeks ahead.

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Read the Transcript:

  Welcome to episode six of the Gentle Business Sessions. A podcast hosted by me and powered by Marvelous at Willowspace. It is so good to have you here.

I am bringing you the monthly guided practice, which I'm really looking forward to sharing and being in it with you today

But before we get into it, I want to mention that my signature group program called Coming Home, a nine month pilgrimage of the heart into deep self trust, is opening publicly and officially next week, and there are ten spots. Two of them are already taken, and I am looking for the rest. of the beautiful souls that feel like this is the right support for them.

And so keep your eyes peeled. You'll be hearing a lot about that in the days to come. All right, let's get into it.

In today's practice, I simply wanted to guide us into a moment of grounding and a moment of self inquiry. This season can be Intense. There can be a lot happening. There's a lot of noise. There can feel like a lot of urgency. Hustle bustle.

Our remedy to that is to take a moment of stillness. I've been thinking a lot lately about how nourishing it can be to be in stillness. How it can be so reparative and restorative for our bodies and our souls and our minds. And so we are going to take a moment of stillness together.

And to get you ready for this,

I want to say a couple thoughts. Number one, go at this in whatever way feels comfortable to you and for the duration or pace that feels comfortable to you. Inquire within and ask yourself, what would help me embrace a moment of stillness? What would help me feel safe to be in stillness? Because that's an important question to ask in case there is a level of stillness, or quiet, or silence, not feeling super supportive for you.

I would encourage you to sort of architect a moment of being in stillness in a way that feels really, really, really good. And so if that means being still. cocooned in a blanket, or being still sitting on the grass outside, or being still while holding your pet, or being still while placing your hand on your heart.

Like, what would help a moment of stillness feel really good to you? And we're going to take a round Not even that long. We're going to take around 30 seconds to just be in stillness together. As you sit in this moment of stillness that feels really, really good, I want you to notice any nourishing aspects of stillness.

Do you feel any sensations of stillness nourishing you? Whether that be your body, or your heart, or your mind.

And if there aren't any, like that's not a big deal either, so just, just sort of mindfully noticing. If there is any nourishment present.

So let's begin.

Beautiful. I hope that that moment of stillness felt good to you. And using that sort of asthe framework or context that we are operating from. I'm going to prompt us to ask a couple questions about grounding. we look ahead into the season of holidays or New Years, etc. Let's sit with a couple beautiful, inviting questions around what would really ground us in this season. And so The first question I want to invite us to sit with is, what is a practice, a rhythm, or activity that would help me feel grounded, supported, or present during the next several weeks?

What is a practice, or rhythm, or activity that would help me feel grounded? supported, present in these next several weeks. Just writing down whatever might come.

Feel free to pause the audio if you need more time.

The second question I want to invite us to sit with is, If I were to prioritize my peace, what needs to stay and what needs to go in these next several weeks? If I were to prioritize my peace, what would need to stay and what would need to go in these next several weeks?

The last question I'll , invite us to sit with a little bit, is the question of what do I want my pace to look like over the next several weeks? Or how can I unsubscribe from urgency and hurry in this season?

What do I want my pace to look like? Or how can I unsubscribe from urgency and hurry in this season?

May these next several weeks be filled with warmth and care, connection, may they be truly a cozy and kind time and space to you and your nervous system and all those that you love. Feel free to come back to this guided practice if you need to do this again and be renewed in that sense of grounding in stillness.

It can be yours.




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